Julai 22, 2009

ra ya nun dal wau

dari ujung minggu..
wa try call..
langsung x berangkat..
mungkin kamu berada di luar negara..
lebih baik jika pemergian ke sana diberitahu..
wa tau sape la wa di sisi lu..
meset terakhir yang wa terima ialah..
atas ajakan wa menonton twilight..

wa sampaikan untuk mu..
orang yang wa suke

"Was Wednesday.
Anger coursed through my veins,
I missed the sweet dulling nature of the pills.
The alter ego returned.

I escaped through a locked door
but in my mind I was trapped.
I needed to run.
An ache ran through my pulsing heart
I can’t go on.
I can’t cope.

I am tired of the battling,
all I sought was a future.
A life with my family.
I ache.
Please someone help me
I need the pain to go away.
Now! !

I ingest the sedative.
The ache starts to ease,
No, its still here,
I am frightened,
I plead again.
Please help me

The passive man has gone,
a deadly killer lurks within.
Is that the answer?
The system has ebbed my strength,
I lie bleeding with self-pity.
Indulge me.

I love you all
And yet there seems to be no answer.
The potion will help.
Or will it?
Dr Jekell
or Hyde.


peeslashass karya tu wa curik dari mark christmas masa krismas taun lepas..

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